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Great Outdoors Month - Geocaching

We're outside enjoying our beautiful surroundings daily. We've travelled around the county more times than we can count, and we'll make the trip countless times more.

And we're frequently doing it with a detailed eye for our clients, but we're infrequently slowing down enough to let our eye for detail catch the finer details like the numerous geocaches found across the county. .

We live in the geocaching capital of Canada, and once upon a time, we went geocaching on one of our first few dates. It has been almost a decade since we indulged in the creative global treasure hunt that speckles our landscapes.

To celebrate the end of #greatoutdoorsmonth, we got outside to fine a few of our local caches. We look forward to locating many more this summer, and we look forward to sharing glimpses of our adventures on Instagram

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